Apart from that, muscle stretching exercises is also beneficial in dealing with pain on outer thigh if the underlying cause is muscle damage. If the underlying condition is properly treated, the outer thigh pain will go away as well. The hamstrings bend the knee and extend the hip backwards. Tight hamstrings on the rear of the thigh are particularly a potential problem for lower back pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Either injury or disease can cause inflammation and in the long run lead to acute or chronic pain. Last Updated 27 December, 2020. However, meralgia paresthetica can also be due to local trauma or a disease, such as diabetes.In most cas… Hamstring strains might become persistent if appropriate stretching and reinforcing is not achieved prior to return to sport. It is also called nerve entrapment syndrome. The iliotibial band (IT band) is often to blame here. Septic arthritis can be caused due to the bacterial infection which attack the joints. In some cases, it’s not very alarming; however, in other instances, it can be a severe medical issue. Outer thigh pain is also known as lateral pain. It may result from; It is a symptom that may be caused by illness, medicines or medical treatment like chemotherapy. If you have chronic pain that doesn't get better, cannot put weight on your leg after a few days, see abnormal swelling or bruising, or find no at-home treatments are working, you should see your doctor. It mostly affects kids between 9-14 years of age. On the contrary, excessive exercise can lead to pain. are some of the other accompanied symptoms of thigh pain. There are two muscles of the outer thigh that are commonly involved in hip and outer thigh pain: tensor fascia latae (TFL for short) and vastus lateralis. Meralgia paraesthetica, or burning thigh pain, happens when your LFCN is being compressed due to trauma in the leg like a recent surgery or hip injury. Stiffness or lack of sensation in the thighs at night. It provides sensation to an area of skin on the upper outer thigh. When lying down, you are likely to exert a lot of pressure on the blood vessels and nerves that serve the outer side of the thigh. The pain vanishes after few days. Michael Greenspan, Neuromuscular Therapist, shows how to use a foam roller to release the adductors and IT Band for inner and outer knee and thigh pain. The thigh contains one major bone and many muscles, nerves, and arteries, so aching thighs may signify an underlying condition that needs medical attention. Many cases of outer hip pain can be treated at home, but some cases need a doctor’s care. Various sports and physical activities can be associated with meralgia paraesthetica. Thigh pain can surface as anterior, posterior or a lateral thigh pain. This is a condition that results from a tear of one or more muscle fibers. These include; To be more precise, the following occurrences are likely to precipitate a condition of severe outer thigh pain. This works very well for meralgia paraesthetica. The following approaches are very effective and work very well: Regarding treatments, outer thigh pain can be treated with symptomatic medication but, often times, it is just as important to treat the underlying condition. Other muscles run from the pelvis to your upper thigh bone. Pain in the groin area that gradually radiates to the buttocks. This therefore means it is a collection of symptoms caused by a trapped or compressed nerve. The strains may cause pain and may limit movement within the affected muscle group. They work to balance and take most of the pressure of your weight. Your email address will not be published. Causes and Treatments of Right Side Pain Under the Ribs, Medical and Natural Treatments to Cure Tension Headache, Pain in the Back of Hands: Causes & Treatments, Pain Under the Left Eye: Causes and Treatments, Causes and Treatments of Right Temple Headache, Pain in Left Sides While Pregnant: Causes and Remedies, Muscle Pain in Upper Arm: Causes and Remedies. The usual symptoms of upper thigh pain are numbness, burning sensation, tingling, difficulty walking, and itching. Burning sensation in the thighs on turning position while lying on bed. Burning sensation in the thighs on turning position while lying on bed. Inflammation of your iliotibial band, a tissue that runs down the side of your leg, causes Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS. Thigh bone, being a long bone is prone to osteosarcoma, a type of cancer. Required fields are marked *, Outer Thigh Pain Causes and Treatment, Relief. Understanding your thigh pain and what may be causing it is the first step to properly treating your condition. Wear lose fitting clothes. Pain in the groin area that gradually radiates to the buttocks. Walking intensifies the pain, limping is … One stretch for the hamstrings then is the stool hamstring stretch. Sway back is when your lower back flattens instead of maintaining a neutral curve. Hip pain can sometimes be caused by diseases and conditions in … You have to bend the knee because the quads extend the knee when contracted. Your email address will not be published. This can result from injury or an underlying disease condition. A similar case can occur when there is a direct blow or combat on the muscle. Gentle stretching releases tension and helps heal muscle strains in the front, back, inside and outside areas of the thighs. It is a nerve/ neurological condition that causes an area of skin over the upper outer thigh to become painful, numb or tingly. The end result of this could be internal bleeding or fractures which cause shock. Grab your toes or ankle and pull your right foot toward your buttocks. The muscles in this area move your leg out to the side. According to healthline.com, an overstretched muscle goes as far as leading to a strained or a pulled muscle. This incorrect alignment can cause pain and issues in the spine and pelvis. It is normally a symptom of the inflammation of the nerves originating from the spinal cord. This is because it exerts so much unnecessary tension on the femoral nerve. This compression causes pain, tingling and cramping. Treatment: ice and anti-inflammatory medications are best for treating ITBS. The pain that you are likely to experience when lying down is called ischemic rest pain. Both can be caused by the overuse of your legs during running or sitting for long. An individual can experience Pain on the outer side of the thigh while climbing, walking, and excessive standing, which causes discomfort and keeps the person away from participating in different activities. The pain can be mild to severe depending upon the cause behind the pain. Learn what sciatica is, how to tell if you have it — and how to treat the pain. Burning Thigh Pain (Meralgia Paresthetica) A painful, burning sensation on the outer side of the thigh may mean that one of the large sensory nerves to your legs—the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN)—is being compressed. Sharp pain in the outer side of the thigh and knees. Similarly, this condition can be brought about by depression and anxiety. Other symptoms appear with pain in the back of the thigh: knee pain, when sitting, in right or left thigh, pain in buttock, when walking or running, discomfort in calf, foot or heel, etc. In order to avoid worsening the pain in the thigh, it is advisable to seek immediate solutions. Are you experiencing a dull ache in your thigh(s)? Athletes, especially runners, often complain of lateral thigh pain. Hip and Outer Thigh Pain Due to the Muscles of the Outer Thigh. Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief, Diet – Weight loss improves symptoms of the condition, Corticosteroids – oral/topical administration (injection). Most thigh pain will go away with the above methods; however, sometimes thigh pain may not be due to a sprain, strain, sore muscle, or cramp, but a symptom of a much more severe condition. This should prompt you to stop the activity and instead begin treatment option for the muscle. The strains in the thigh muscle cause very high degree of pain. Resting off of the injured leg is also a wise decision and will speed up the healing process. In those cases home treatments will not necessarily work and you should consult a doctor. This is one of the common thigh pain causes at night. Which may be accompanied by sharp pain and numbness. Both muscles run lengthwise along the outer surface of the thigh … Less commonly, other medical problems can lead to pain in your outer thigh, including certain tumors, nervous system conditions and infections. According WebMD, fatigue refers to the state where there is a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion or a need to rest due to lack of energy. The compression from long periods of sitting results in meralgia paraesthetica, which brings on pain and burning in the outer thigh. In case you feel any kind of pain especially on the outer thigh, you should seek medical intervention as soon as possible. Outer thigh pain is a clinical symptom of different medical conditions and is mainly caused due to nerve problems. The femur is the bone which travels down the whole thigh and is surround by muscles, nerves, soft tissue and blood supply. This condition is known as bursitis. Lying down goes a long way to remedy this. Many strains happen when a muscle is stretched beyond its limit, tearing the muscle fibers. Common causes of thigh pain may include: Meralgia paresthetica refers to unusual sensations, particularly a burning pain or numbness, in the lateral part (outer side) of the thigh due to pressure on the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). The cause of meralgia paresthetica is compression of the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh.Tight clothing, obesity or weight gain, and pregnancy are common causes of meralgia paresthetica. Majorly seen in athletes where the joint is associated with rapid movement. The changes include; Stenosis can compress the nerves that control the sensation of movement in the lower body. Trochanteric Bursitis is different from burning thigh pain in that it affects the bursa sacs between the muscles in the hip, groin and thigh and is caused by prolonged pressure, repeated twisting or rapid joint movements. CopyRight ©  During pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body undergoes various structural and hormonal changes. Symptoms consist of an unexpected, sharp stab throughout exertion with swelling and bruising increasing in the hours following. Radiculopathy refers to pain caused by the compression of a spinal nerve root(s). Apart from pressure, a clot or plaque in blood may also cause insufficient supply of blood to tissues. Eat foods that are rich in multivitamins and minerals. Stiffness or lack of sensation in the thighs at night. One of the possible causes of thigh pain in children is a cancerous tumor called Ewing’s sarcoma. Surgery in case of internal bleeding/additional bone fracture. The thigh has three sets of muscles: The quadriceps and the hamstrings are the ones that are subjected to strains in most cases. Then, lean forward at the hips until you feel a stretch in the hamstring of the leg on the stool. Too much exercise could also to tearing of the muscles hence resulting to excruciating pain on the outer side of the thigh. Treatment: muscle contusions can also have more severe symptoms like hematomas and reduced range of motion. To stretch the hamstrings, you must straighten your knee and flex the hip because this is the opposite of what the hamstrings muscles do. … It is imperative to get to the bottom of this problem, since ignoring it could lead to some permanent damage. Read below to learn why you may be experiencing thigh muscle pain and possible remedies. It is therefore prudent to allow a muscle to heal properly before normal function. There are simple and effective ways to reduce the pain in the thigh and lower back areas. The swelling of tissue in the body is called inflammation. If this nerve is trapped or compressed, burning pain, numbness or tingling might be felt in the area of skin supplied by the nerve. Apart from that, improper supply of blood in the thigh muscles, which may be a result of blocked arteries, can cause cramps and pain in the thigh muscles. Is Your Leg Pain Sciatica or Something Else? The injury leading to inflammation can be due to pressure or rapid movement of the hip joint. It’s typically caused by injury, pressure, or repetitive movements, and it’s common in runners and in women. Tight quadricep muscles on the front of the thigh not only causes pain in the thighs, it also may contribute to sway back. 1. The healing process should follow guidelines from your doctor. You can see there are so many reasons that can lead to thigh pain. Pain on the outer side of the thigh is a symptom of various medical conditions, and mainly occurs due to nerve problems. Hence, if you are suffering from such pain, then it is best to consult a doctor immediately. The bursa present near the thigh may also undergo this problem. A strain to these muscles can take place very fast when they are overstretched or develop slowly from being overused or weakness. Thigh pain is any type of pain or discomfort affecting the upper half of the lower limb stretching from the pelvis and hip to the knee. Exercise or regress routine without a proper warm up routine may cause strain. Very importantly, muscles in your thigh run from your pelvis along the outer thigh to your lower leg bone. Thigh Pain After Hip Replacement. If pain is persistent, does not improve or comes back, don’t use over the counter pain medications to mask the pain because you are also masking a more serious condition, seek the advice of a doctor instead. If you are have diabetes, you should control your blood sugar. These include; When your outer thigh hurts as you stand after running and after sitting, you may have one of two common conditions namely Iliotibial band syndrome and meralgia paraesthetica. First of all occurrence of lipoma in the thigh causes mild to severe thigh pain at night. Treatment: depending on the source of the pressure on the nerve, treatments vary from resting the hurt leg for an extended period of time to receiving steroid shots to reduce inflammation. Infection in the bone also known as osteomyelitis, usually affects the long bones like one in the thigh. Fibers of the thigh can only stretch or extend up to a particular extent. The following are the possible causes of outer thigh pain at night: When you experience the following symptoms, you should be aware that they could lead to pain at night: Fever, swelling, redness, formation of pus, etc. Muscle contusions vary from ITBS in that they are actual bruises and contusions that appear on the muscles rather than inflammations or squeezing of nerves. You may feel a burning or sharp pain when cycling. Outer hip pain can be due to injury, aging, or an underlying condition, such as osteoarthritis. In this condition, damage to a nerve that travels down the thigh (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) causes burning, tingling, and numbness in the front and outer thigh. pain is so bad it often wakes me up & nothing relieves the pain. The sacs reduce friction and provide cushions in many parts of the body. Remedies for Sharp Pain in Thigh. This happens where the muscle joins the tough, fibrous connective tissue of the tendon. The pain is usually worse when standing or walking. Like with hip and groin pain, problems in the upper thigh, such as burning, tingling, a pinched nerve, or prickling occurs from time to time. Thigh problems can be the result of an injury caused by: 1. overstretching or twisting during activities or sport 2. a fall 3. a direct blow to the thigh Pain on the outside of your thigh may also come on for no apparent reason. When this connective tissue gets overworked, it is believed to cause pain and tenderness in the areas it attaches – namely, the outer thigh and knee (especially just above the knee joint). There are a few different kinds of outer thigh pains; each with their own causes, symptoms and treatments. Ligaments attach the femur bone to the […] In most cases, there is really no cause for alarm but there are some instances when the pain in your thigh or even general leg pain should not be overlooked and may require more than rest or physical therapy. The lack of blood prevents them from working properly and therefore results in a lot of pain at the end. Outer thigh pain can be causes due to meralgia paresthetica, muscle related injury, … Bursa inflammation is also a precipitant of pain at night. Tension in the thighs causes pain there, and you might experience back pain as a result of the tight muscles pulling on the pelvis. This because the muscles are improperly perfused. You will experience sharp pain when you engage in some activities or when the area is touched or when you stand from a seated position. In severe cases there can be some internal bleeding and even bone fractures. Outer thigh pain, or lateral leg pain, can be attributed to nerve problems or damage, muscle imbalances and blunt-force trauma. On the contrary, lying down can at times act as relief to some aspect of pain. Place one heel on a stool and stand with both legs straight. Manual therapy techniques, stretching exercises and certain styles of physical therapy are all treatments to which causes of outer thigh pain respond to well. Thighs serve a great purpose in your body. Ischemia is a medical term that refers to insufficient blood to the tissues. There are many different causes of thigh pain, some obvious and others not so much. Endurance athletes are subject to this kind of thigh pain since they have prolonged pressure on their Iliotibial band and knee joints. Any effort to exceed the limit comes with a lot of pain borne. Treatment: rest, ice packs, hip strengthening exercises, over the counter anti-inflammatories, stretching and avoiding long periods of standing are all at home treatments for this kind of thigh pain. If you find yourself walking a lot, or you’re an avid runner or cyclist, it’s likely you’ve experienced pain in the outer knee and thigh area.. The narrowing is generally brought about by wear and tear and arthritic changes in the lower spine. The hamstring muscles on the back of your thigh connect from the back of the pelvis to the back of the knee. This is because certain pains in the thigh and lower back could require treatment. The end result of this is episodes of sharp pain experienced when you lie down. Outer thigh pain, or lateral leg pain, can be attributed to nerve problems or damage, muscle imbalances and blunt-force trauma. Sharp front thigh pain, back thigh pain, outer thigh or even inner thigh which can sometimes hamper their movement. It can be brought about by a number of factors such as: Outer thigh pain brought about by a nerve damage refers to a medical condition that is technically known as Meralgia paraesthetica. When you experience pain only on the outside of your thigh it can be caused by numerous factors and conditions. The pain may also be felt when there is injury that leads to inflammation to the tissues that lie over the greater trochanter of the femur. "sharp, unilateral outer thigh pain occurring only at night? Therefore, it is very important to get the reason diagnosed in the initial stage. There are other factors that can bring about muscle pull and they include: Pain due muscle injury is likely to recur because muscle injuries and strains are likely to occur often after the initial one. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is found in the upper leg. Iliotibial band syndrome is the irritation and inflammation of a large tendon in your thigh. Manual therapy techniques, stretching exercises and certain styles of physical therapy are all treatments to which causes of outer thigh pain respond to well. You might also hear it called Bernhardt-Roth syndrome. Meralgia paresthetica is a condition that causes numbness, pain, or a burning feeling in your outer thigh. We look at the associated symptoms and treatment options. This is mainly because of implantation of a stiff implant in the hip bone during the surgery, which eventually causes thigh pain when sitting, walking or even while sleeping. Severe strains or tear may require special medical treatment. If the hip joints get infection, it results in severe pain which radiates into thigh muscles and groin. During exercise, especially if you have specialized in contact sport, then you are likely to get muscle contusion. It is brought about by spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal). Inflammation of these sacs or hip bursitis leads to pain in the upper, outer thigh where your thigh bone protrudes. Outer and side thigh pain when lying down, Relief and treatment for outer thigh pain, Ingrown Hair on Scalp, Head, Causes, Removal, Treatment, Coughing Up Brown Mucus, Thick Dark Brown Phlegm Meaning, Remedies, Signs of Infected Nose Piercing, How to Clean, Heal & Home Treatment, Infected Sebaceous Cyst Removal, Symptoms and Cure, shock in the thigh due to sudden movement. Pain will enhance with contracting or stretching the hurt muscle. Health Information, Just for Your Health. This goes ahead to bring about ischemia. Hip pain is common. A variety of conditions can lead to leg pain that is aggravated by sitting. The relief approaches to reduce severity of outer thigh pain include both home remedies as well as treatments in case of disease conditions and states. Bursae are basically fluid filled sacs that are found in the various areas of high friction in the body like the areas where the muscle tendons slide over one another or a bone. When the hamstrings are tight, they shorten and pull on the knee and pelvis. It is also helpful to wrap the area with a soft cloth or bandage to keep slight pressure on it. The contusion causes; It is also a muscle injury and it makes the thighs and areas around to be weak and rigid. Limping, swelling and pain the hip and buttock are all symptomatic of Trochanteric Bursitis. limited movement of the joints and tenderness. If rheumatic, then anti-rheumatic drugs are recommended (Methotrexate), Corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid injections. Pain in the upper thighLearn about different causes of upper thigh pain, from injuries to nerve problems. Upper Thigh Pain … They should not to be administered for prolonged periods of time, as they have serious side-effects, Physiotherapy – Exercise program for pain relief, increasing range of movement and muscle strengthening, Refrain from physical activity – this condition is aggravated by movement, Corticosteroids – oral/topical administration (injections), Direct injection into the lateral cutaneous nerve – improvement of symptoms, reduction of inflammation, Avoid standing on the affected leg – better to keep it elevated, Exercise program to strengthen hip muscles. This is because there is likelihood of a strain. Trochanteric bursitis brings warmth, swelling and pain to the outer thigh that can spread down to the knee. Treatment includes rest and ice to reduce the damage, often followed by some home-based rehabilitation exercises. The swelling of your Iliotibial band (a tissue that runs down the side of your leg) leads to Iliotibial band syndrome. It reduces pressure on the nerve. The pain symptoms may start in the knee, but often spread up the outer thigh. Meralgia paraesthetica (outer thigh pain) can, however, be caused by direct injury to the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh accidentally. Fever, swelling, redness, formation of pus, etc. It can be brought about by a number of factors such as: nerve damage; muscle imbalance; injury; shock in the thigh due to sudden movement; Outer thigh pain brought about by a nerve damage refers to a medical condition … The pain brought about a fatigued thigh muscle is called neurogenic claudication. Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and burning pain in your outer thigh. Apart from the nerve effects on pain, the pain on the outer side of the thigh could also result from a particular state or condition in the muscles that constitute the thigh. A burning, tingling or numb sensation is experienced as well as sensitivity to touch and groin pain. In return this leads to inhibited blood flow to reach these tissues. The disease conditions that cause outer thigh pain below are outlined with their possible treatments. Due to various reasons like gout, trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, overuse, etc., the bursa becomes inflamed and tender. This normally takes place when you are fatigued, you overuse your muscle or you improperly use your muscle. Here we look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. In some cases, trauma, stretch injury and impaired circulation to the thigh may also contribute to pain and numbness in the thigh. Sharp pain in the outer side of the thigh and knees. When the acute symptoms are controlled make an effort to increase flexibility so you can avoid further inflammation and discomfort in your iliotibial bands. Hip injury and weight gain also can cause compression on the nerve. Outer thigh pain can inhibit your ability to participate in activities you enjoy, but with awareness of injury prevention wisdom and with the proper treatment, you can get back to your favorite activities in a relatively short time. When there is upper thigh pain when walking individual should not be ignore as it may be a warning sign of a more serious condition. Swelling or inflammation can be viewed differently depending on the part that is affected. Usually, the symptoms of this pain are increased by walking or standing for long periods. Sciatica Is Radiculopathy. To stretch your right quad, stand with your left leg straight on bend your right knee backwards. Outer thigh pain is also known as lateral pain. Disc erosion, tightening of the piriformis muscle due to imbalances in the hip rotator muscles, Sciatic nerve impingement, also called sciatica. Medications like birth control pills, hormonal contraceptives, high blood pressure medication, etc., may also trigger thigh pain. Many people get thigh pain after hip replacement surgery. This condition may result pain, fever, swelling, redness, etc. If these do not work you may need to see a doctor for some lidocaine, steroid injections or other therapies. Mild to moderate strains could be treated at home with ice, heat and anti-inflammatory medications. The nerve damage may occur due to tight clothing, prior surgery, or pregnancy, certain repetitive excercise, or it may occur without a clear cause. This leads to overstretching of the nerve and hence pain. There are many people who undergo total hip replacement surgery (THR), and some people often complain about thigh pain after the procedure. Meralgia paraesthetica is a pinched nerve in the thigh. Improper blood circulation, lipoma, bursitis and septic arthritis are some of the most common causes behind thigh pain at night. The trapped nerve in question is called the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (also known as the lateral femoral nerve). Sciatica is a common cause of leg pain, but it’s not the only cause. Greater trochanteric pain syndrome can cause pain in the outside of your upper thighs. Upper thigh pain is a common issue. Pain, swelling, tenderness of the skin and discoloration of the skin are common symptoms. It can occur at night, while lying down, while running or exercising, depending upon the cause. The stretches are done to help release tension in the affected muscles namely the hamstrings and the quadriceps. Hip pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock is usually caused by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that surround your hip joint. This could lead to painful episodes at night. Not warming up well before exercise/physical activity. Home Remedies. Strains cause dull aching pain that increases when you stand on the affected leg. Persistent pain or pain that goes away and comes back often is also signs that you should seek a medical opinion. Applying ice and elevating the injured leg will help treat the inflammation and alleviate pain. These changes may result in edema, symphysis pubis dysfunction and round ligament. Endurance athletes are most prone to this kind of thigh pain and they have prolonged pressure on their iliotibial band and knee joints. Hip bursitis for instance, is greatly increased when one lies on the affected side. If you are overweight, try to reduce your weight. It can occur as anterior, posterior (rear) or as a lateral thigh pain. Moderate and well-coordinated physical exercise is good and would play a big role in help in reducing outer thigh pain. Always seek a faster diagnosis and medical intervention as soon as this occurs. Referred pain … Damage to or compression of the nerve supplying sensation to the skin of your outer thigh can lead to burning pain, numbness or tingling in the area. Athletes, especially runners, often complain of lateral thigh pain. You may experience pain in the outside area of the knee joint, swelling and discomfort in that area, or snapping and popping sensations in the knee. WWW.JUST-HEALTH.NET. Muscle contusion is common among athletes who play high contact sports, like football or rugby. This is because in an upright posture, the spinal cord naturally narrows placing more pressure on the nerve roots. This is a bony prominence near the head of the femur (thigh bone). , high blood pressure medication, etc., may also cause insufficient supply of blood them. A lot of pain at night for sharp pain in thigh severe symptoms like hematomas and reduced of!, numbness and burning pain in your outer thigh pain can be associated with meralgia paraesthetica which. Persistent if appropriate stretching and reinforcing is not achieved prior to return to sport common in and. Severe outer thigh pain, or ITBS severe pain which radiates into thigh muscles and groin may start in outside! 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