Throughout the colonial period the Church of England had a strong presence in the country because the majority of … Time Line of The Anglican in Myanmar Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)1825-2001. T.Richard started mission in east Pazondaung in Rangoon. The adage refers to the historical sequence of British merchants, military, and missionaries who moved successively into Myanmar to trade, then to … CPM consists of 6 dioceses, with the provincial office based in Yangon. U Tote Yow who is a Khume Chin and U Yone Htow received deacon ordinations. The great majority of the Anglo-Burmese and Anglo-Indian communities in the country were also Anglicans and the number of schools run by the Church of England to educate British and Eurasian children increased. 1825 With British army some Anglican Priests came into Burma, not as missionaries but as army chaplains. ABM has partnered with the Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM) since 1992 to address these challenges, working together to implement programs relating to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education and Livelihoods. 1970-1973 Francis Ah Mya (the first archbishop of the Church of the Province of Burma (Myanmar)). 1964 Some graduated young people began to enter Holy Cross College. 2005–2008: Stephen Than Myint Oo (became Archbishop), before 1987-after 1992: J. Kumsawng Tu, assistant bishop (in Myitkyina), in 1992: J. Kumsawng Tu, assistant bishop, Anglican Young People's Association (AYPA), Religious Education and Music Department (REM). 1960 On 23 October, Anglican youth leaders from the whole Burma were invited to The Youth Conference in Rangoon and the conference formed “ Anglican Young People Association (AYPA).” Religious Education Department was founded and Dorothy Lewis became the department head. The polity of the Church of the Province of Myanmar is episcopacy (church governance with the three-fold ministry), the same as other Anglican churches. Maung Shwe Zan was baptised by A. Shears as the first Myanmar native Christian in England. The church is not involved in social work as this field of action is totally taken over by the government. 1882-1903 John Miller Strachan (the second bishop of Rangoon). The province comprises the entire country of Myanmar. He was first a parish priest, then becoming lecturer and afterwards dean of the Holy Cross Theological … 1967 “ The Three in One Project” was started with sixteen young people in Indaw in Upper Burma. 1973 The first summer training course of Central Rangoon Religious Education Committee was started. Return to Anglican Documents in SE Asia. 1931 Emmanuel Bible School was opened in Monyin in northern Burma; William Henry Jackson died. This building was consecrated in 1935. 1975 Rangoon (Yangon) Diocesan Aid Board was formed. 1877-1882 J. H. Titcomb (the first bishop of Rangoon (Yangon) ). The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma) Primate: The Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo. 1884 J. San Baw was ordained as priest at the Holy Trinity Church, the pro cathedral. 1991 The church opened the decade of Evangelism. The current archbishop of Myanmar and bishop of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo. 1948 Tidey took in charge for Holy Cross College. The current archbishop of Myanmar and bishop of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo. 1901 After receiving their deacon ordinations, David Po Sa and Po Thet who are native Burmese clergy, joined the Kyatlatt mission and they extended their mission to other areas in delta. The centre of the Church of the Province of Myanmar's teaching is the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1941 In January, the Japanese army crossed the Sanlwin River came and into Burma and the Kappli mission was disconnected with Rangoon. 1875 Because of their internal problem, many Karen Baptists from Taungoo came into the Anglican Church and thus the Karen Anglican population increased dramatically in Taungoo. Show more Show less. [11], "Diocese of Mandalay" redirects here. The interest in missions among the English residents of Burma attracted the attention of the SPG to the country and thus in 1854 the SPG sent his first missionary, Cockey, to Maulmein where educational work had been already begun. 1926 The Bible Churchmen's Society (BCMS) started its mission in Hukong areas in Kamine, the northern Burma. 1888 H. M. Stocking started mission in Shwebo, in middle Burma. The province comprises the entire country of Myanmar. 1959 Some students from Holy Cross Theological College were sent abroad for further study. 1870 J. E. Marks opened the schools in Zalon, Hanzada and Theyet Myo and started mission in delta. Welcome to the Church of the Province of Myanmar Welcome to the official website of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. 1893 Hackeny opened St Peter's Bible School in Taungoo. The bishop started self-supporting plan. THE CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF MYANMAR (CPM): COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMME The Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM) lists community health as one of its core missions and launched this programme in 2013 in Naga Hills, on the Myanmar/India border. The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma) A Christmas Message in Burmese from Archbishop Stephen Than Myint Oo, Archbishop of Myanmar and Bishop of Yangon; Scottish Episcopal Church. The Province of Burma was formed in 1970 with four dioceses; there are now six. 1903-1909 Arthur M. Knight (the third bishop of Rangoon). The Anglican Church was established in today's Myanmar by British army chaplains on the west coast around 1825. Not every Anglican province worldwide has a Web page yet. It was only in 1853 that the first missionaries arrived. 1976 Led by Toteyow the mission among Lay Myo Chins was started. 04/10/2019 Archbishop Welby expresses vision for Anglican Communion at East Asian Anglican meeting. On 28 August 1966, Francis Ah Mya became the first native bishop of Rangoon Diocese. An American bishop has banned the possession of firearms on all church properties following the enactment of a state law permitting churches to regulate handguns in churches. coordinate with communications efforts of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. 1961 As the first Kachin native, Kushin Hla became the principal of Emanuel Bible School in Monyin. 1825 With British army some Anglican priests came into Burma, not as missionaries but as army chaplains. Yet, unfortunately, because of World War Two this programme was broken. ( Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) began its mission in Burma. Church of the Province of Myanmar, Yangon. 1994 Led by Paul A. Chan, St John College was opened at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Dr Yam Kho Pau, Paving the way for ecumenical studies, learning English in Bossey, Ecumenical Review focuses on contemporary ecumenical challenges in Asia, Voices from Asia Mission Conference in Yangon, Myanmar. Starting in the early 1800s, Anglican chaplains and missionaries worked in Burma (now called Myanmar), which was ruled by Britain from 1824 to 1948. Archbishop Stephen Than Myint Oo was one of the seven Anglican archbishops that took place in the enthronement of Foley Beach as the second archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in North America on 9 October 2014. Due to the changes in the government policy, CPM also involves widely in the development area like education, health, social, economic and environment sectors. Jesus Christ is fully human and fully God. Francis Ah Mya became the first archbishop of the Church of the Province of Burma. Missionary district created from Pann diocese, 1992; erected a diocese 1994; St Paul's Cathedral, Toungoo. Erected 1970 October (18) from Yangon diocese; Christ Church Cathedral, Mandalay. Church staff also coordinated with regional government departments to identify vulnerable households and provide … 1899–1900 Taking centre in Prome, G. Whitehead started mission among Chin tribes. Holy Cross was reopened with 13 students and J Maung Pe became the first national Principal. The CPM has six dioceses - Yangon, Mandalay, Mitkyin Sittwee, Hpa-an and Toungoo. This page was last edited on 28 October 2020, at 03:36. A. Colbeck started mission among Burmese and other ethnic groups. 1950 The Holy Cross College was closed temporarily. Tin Maung became the Archdeacon of Yangon Diocese. It was only in 1853 that the first missionaries arrived. 1 Route des Morillons The ecclesiastical history of Christianity in Burma begins before its annexation by the British, when it still consisted of the kingdoms of Ava and Pegu. Issues that are ambiguous are determined by tradition, which is checked by reason. 1935-1954 George A. 1903 A. M. Knight became the third bishop of Rangoon Diocese. Buddhism is the majority religion, Christians form a minority. 1936 On 3 May, as the first Karen national, Saya Saw Satphaw, was ordained as a deacon by BCMS mission in Monyin. He started the self-supporting programme in Pann. The current Archbishop of Myanmar and Bishop of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo. [2] With independence the number of Anglicans in the country decreased with the departure of the British and the subsequent exodus of the Anglo-Burmese and Anglo-Indians. The Church of the Province of Myanmar in Asia is a member church of the Anglican Communion. The Church of the Province of Myanmarin Asiais a member church of the Anglican Communion. The … 1965 The Special Evangelism Project was started in Palawa. In 1877 the diocese of Rangoon was inaugurated. Ecumenical Centre Rangoon (Yangon) Diocese, therefore, become one of the diocese in this province. St John's College, Yangon. 1945 In July, West returned from abroad and stayed in Rangoon. 1951 The Emanuel Bible School which was closed for ten years, was reopened by D.H.Dansey. 1930 Church of India, Burma and Ceylon was formed and opened. Taking responsibility as the editor, Elijah began to published the New Letter of the Church. The purpose of this project included three main concerns – to do evangelism with new method, to have self-support by doing anima husbandry and cultivation and to create a community of monks and a community of nuns. 1982 The Catechist Training was opened in Anglican Religious Training Centre in Rangoon (Yangon). 1972 Central Rangoon ( Yangon) Religious Education Committee was formed. 1878 Four Karens were ordained as deacons and they are the first native Karen clergy. To reorganize the church to be a well established one, the bishop introduced a plan called “ The New Form of the Church,” and mobilized it till almost all parishes in the whole diocese. Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM) has been involved in development work in six dioceses for more than 10 years. The Church of the Province of Burma was created as an independent province of the Anglican Communion on 22 February 1970, and changed its name to the Church of the Province of Myanmar when the new country's name was adopted in 1989. Based on the lives of Christ and the apostles, the religious plays have been presented almost every year since 1971. The worker priests plan was started. Myanmar (Burma) has a population of over 50 million. 1909-1928 R. S. Fyffe (the fourth bishop of Rangoon). 1981 Mindon mission was restarted by the retired archbishop Francis Ah Mya. U Ta Hwai was ordained as a deacon and he was the first Khume Chin clergy. The web page that you are now reading is operated by the Society of Archbishop Justus as a placeholder until The Church of the Province of Myanmar is prepared to have its own page. The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. Eleven Anglican graduated young people were sent to Burma Divinity School to pursue higher theological education. 1940 World War Two came into Burma and foreign missionaries had to depart from the country. The Church of the Province of Myanmar embraces three orders of ordained ministry: deacon, priest and bishop. 1979-1987 Gregory Hla Kyaw (the third archbishop of the Church of the Province of Myanmar). Asia. The Church of the Province of Myanmar in Asia is a member church of the Anglican Communion.The province comprises the entire country of Myanmar.The current Archbishop of Myanmar and Bishop of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo.. Official name. Peter Khin Maung who the first native BD degree holder from Bishop College in Calcutta, obtained the priest ordination. William Purser opened Kemmendine Blind School. A local version of the Book of Common Prayer is used. These three sources uphold and critique each other in a dynamic way. He studied at the Trinity Theological College in Singapore, returning to Myanmar afterwards. The Church of the Province of Myanmar is actively involved with other member churches in the Myanmar Council of Churches. The diocese of Calcutta had pastoral and administrative oversight over the church in Burma. 1854 SPG (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) began its mission in Burma. In 1877 the diocese of Rangoon was inaugurated. It is surrounded by the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, a school building waiting to be used soon, the quarters of 28 high school boys, and free and wide … Board Member Asia Theology Academy . 1921 Samuel U Tun who was an Asho Chin, and Nashone Mahn Own Bwint who was a Karen, were ordained as deacons and who were the first clergy for their respective tribes. The Church of the Province of Myanmar (formerly Burma) was created as an independent church of Burmese Anglicans in 1970 and changed its name to the Church of the Province of Myanmar when the country's name was changed in 1989. The Apocrypha are additional books that are used in Christian worship but not for the formation of doctrine. 1935 G. A. 2006 the first gathering of Church of the Province of Myanmar was celebrated on Taungoo Diocese. He died and was resurrected from the dead. [10], The Church of the Province of Myanmar is a member of the Global South and the Global Anglican Future Conference, and has been involved in the Anglican realignment. The current Bishop of Yangon and Archbishop of Myanmar is Stephen Than Myint Oo. The purpose of this project was to produce educated clergymen. 1910 Anglican mission spread to other Pow Karen areas in delta – Nyanugdone, Pantanaw, Wakema and Shweloung. 1988-2001 Andrew Mya Han (the fourth archbishop of The Church of The Province of Burma). 101 likes. 1854 S.P.G. BCMS started its mission in Wontho in Shan state. The primary concerns of the church are evangelism, the training of clergy evangelists and the improvement of teaching programmes. The last missionaries were asked to leave the country in 1966. Jesus provides the way of eternal life for those who believe. Anglican chaplains and missionaries worked in Burma in the early and mid-nineteenth century. In the same year the Kukekine Bible School was shifted to that Bible school and it was named as 'Holy Cross College.'. After World War II, no foreign missions which were not already operating in the country before the war were allowed to enter. 1929 H. Hacking from Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society started mission among Khume Chings in Palawa. By George Conger on 08/05/2014 International news . Hoping to the emergence of the educated clergy. 2001 Samuel San Si Htay became the fifth archbishop of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. 1873 C. Warren started the mission among Burmese in Taungoo. 1955-1966 Victor G. Shearburn (the seventh bishop of Rangoon). 1863 J. D. Marks opened a school in Yangon (later this school became St John's College). 1984 Partnership in Mission Programme was started. Samuel Abishe Ganathan was ordained as the first Tamil deacon and he became the missionary of the Tamils who lived in Moulmein. West who served in Kappli in Pann became the sixth bishop of Rangoon. 1900 W. C. B. Purser stated mission in Kyatlatt. 1934 A building for the Bible school was started in Inya road. The Church of the Province of Myanmar is actively involved with other member churches in the Myanmar Council of Churches. 1907 Mission to Seamen started in Rangoon. Robert Wright issued a … The Church of the Province of Myanmar is a member of the Global South and the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, and has been involved in the Anglican realignment. 1995 Social development projects were started in every diocese. 1938 W. B. Johnston opened a missionary hospital in Pinlone in southern Shan State. Bible ministry in Myanmar (Formerly known as Burma) was started by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1889.Due political change in 1962, the ministry was reorganized as independent and autonomous Bible Society of Myanmar in 1964, led by national leaders. In January, Taungoo Missionary Diocese became Taungoo Diocese and John Wilme, the former principal of Holy Cross Theology College, became the first bishop of Taungoo Diocese. Holy Cross College was reopened by R. W. Garrad. Founded in 1949 as Burma Christian Council, which became Burma Council of Churches in 1972 and was renamed Myanmar Council of Churches in 1989 (forerunner: the Burma Regional Council under the National Christian Council of India, Burma & Ceylon founded in 1914). Church of the Province of Myanmar. 1883 J. Fairclough opened a catechetic training school in Kemmdine. Today there are at least 70,000 Anglicans in an estimated population of 50 million in Myanmar. As a first native Burmese, J. San Baw was ordained as a deacon in England. The diocese of Calcutta had pastoral and administrative oversight over the church in Burma. 1947 Rangoon Diocesan Council was held in Moylmein. 1955 V. G. Shearburn who was a monk from St. Augustine’s Community of Resurrection became the seventh bishop of Rangoon. The Old and New Testaments of the Bible were written by people "under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit". 1966-1970 Francis Ah Mya (the first national Bishop of Rangoon diocese). Purser's wife began mission among mothers in Kemmedine. All Diocesan Bishops of the Church of the Province of Myanmar were present, as well as the Assistant Bishop of Sittwe, the retired Archbishop of Myanmar the Most Reverend Samuel San Si Htay, and 2 former bishops of Hpa-An, Bishop George Kyaw Mya and Bishop Daniel White Kyin. The province is bordered by China on the north, Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west and India on the northwest, with the Andaman Sea to the south and the Bay of Bengal to the southwest. 1988 Andrew Mya Han became the fourth archbishop of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. Home » Posts tagged with » Church of the Province of Myanmar. 1952 Rangoon Diocesan Council, which could not be held for five years, was held in Rangoon. The Church of the Province of Burma was created as an independent province of the Anglican Communion on 22 February 1970,[1] and changed its name to the Church of the Province of Myanmar when the new country's name was adopted in 1989. 1914 The first Rangoon Diocesan Council was held in Rangoon. Notable schools include St Mary's and St Michael's in Maymyo and Mandalay. The Mission of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary in Myanmar counts at present with four houses: one in Yangon; another in Loikaw, and two in Mandalay (the latest and fourth Dominican house was inaugurated in October 2019). St. Peter’s Bible School from Taungoo was shifted to Kappli in Paan and Francis Ah Mya took in charge it. The Church of the Province of Myanmar in Asia is a member church of the Anglican Communion. Leading by the bishop the Anglican Churn in Myanmar actively participated in Burma Christian Council. 1963 Peter's Bible School which was closed nearly ten years was shifted to Pann and reopened there. Until 1930 the church was part of the Church of England in India but it was then made an autonomous ecclesiastical province of the Anglican Communion and renamed the Church of India, Burma and Ceylon. In times of catastrophes affecting the country the church provides relief aid. The early emphasis on a trained leadership, lay and ordained, as well as on an educated laity in general has proved an invaluable asset to the church. Rangoon Diocesan Trust Assiociation was formed. 1971 In December, Anglican Young People Association (AYPA) presented the first Christian religious play at the memorial hall located in the Baptist headquarter compound. The assistant bishop John Aung Hla became the second archbishop of the Church of the Province of Myanmar. J. H. Titcomb was the first bishop of Rangoon. Throughout the colonial period the Church of England had a strong presence in the country because the majority of the British belonged to that church. 2009 James Min Din former Distributor of Myanmar Bible Society and Secretary of Anglican Young People's Association became the Bishop of Sittwe. 1946 To reorganize the church, West created three archdeaconries, one for Delta, one for Mandalay and one for Toungoo. 1966 All missionaries had to depart from Burma. 1925 The new version of Burmese Bible, which was translated into Burmese by Bible Society led by C. E. Garrad, was published. Today there are at more than 60,000 Anglicans in an estimated population of 58 millions in Myanmar.The polity of the Church of the Province of Myanmar is episcopacy (church governance with the three-fold ministry), the same as other Anglican churches … 1918 Saya Tawmhwa from St.Paul’s Church of Taungoo was sent as a missionary to Kappli in Pann, the southeast part of Burma. Overseas briefs May 9, 2014. Sep 2017 – Present 2 years 5 months. This balance of scripture, tradition and reason is traced to the work of Richard Hooker, a sixteenth-century apologist. The Primus of the … 1932 In August, Conference of the Clergy was held in Rangoon. In the same year Emmanuel Church in Monyin was consecrated. 1958 Assistant bishop John Aung Hla attended the Lambeth Conference held in England, as the first Burmese national. 1999 A Bible school was opened in St Michael's and all Angels' Church in Kemmendine. From a small beginning, CPM has now grown into the stage of transforming more children and families every day. Erected from Rangoon diocese in 1978; St Peter's Cathedral, Hpa-an. The Baptists are the largest protestant denomination in the country. The Province of Myanmar was formed in 1970, nine years after the declaration of Buddhism as the state religion and four years after all foreign missionaries were forced to leave. For the papist jurisdiction, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Primate of Burma: 'Do not forget the cyclone victims, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies – Mark Saw Maung Doe, A statement of the Primates of the Global South and the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, Global South Anglican Online, 13 October 2014,, Church of Myanmar webpage on the Anglican Communion website, Supreme Governor of the Church of England,, Christian organizations established in 1970, Christian denominations established in the 20th century, Articles needing additional references from January 2011, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing cleanup from September 2015, Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from September 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In 1966 all foreign missionaries were forced to leave the country. Evening Bible class for lay people was opened in Anglican Religious Training Centre in Rangoon (Yangon). Esther Hla Kyaw, as the first native Karen woman, was appointed as a youth leader. The church sent some young people to universities and after completion of their studies they were also sent to Holy Cross College. Purser stated mission in Kyatlatt Myo and started mission among Chin tribes 18 ) from Yangon diocese ; Christ Cathedral. Former archdeacon of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo, Hanzada and Theyet Myo and started mission in Christian. Paan and Francis Ah Mya ( the seventh bishop of Yangon is Stephen Than Myint Oo Province! Some young people were sent abroad for further study evangelists and the improvement of programmes! Pinlone in southern Shan State Church Cathedral, Hpa-an and Toungoo on 25 March as! In Kemmdine opened and Francis Ah Mya ( the third archbishop of the Province of Myanmar ( )... Bible Society and secretary of Myanmar in Asia is a Khume Chin clergy the Kukekine Bible school in Kemmdine Testaments... 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