However, it's simply not true in Australia. This can be a touchy situation. – user6204 Jul 11 '12 at 15:39 | Even before the coronavirus, more and more restaurants and stores were going cashless, in … If legal currency was refused, a judge can (and most likely will) wipe the dept clean. The belief that cash is "legal tender" and can't be refused by any business is very widespread. "It means if you have a court awarded debt against you, if someone tries to settle and they're paying in legal tender you cannot refuse it. Yes, cash is legal tender, but the only time you can’t refuse it is if the person is paying a debt. It is illegal to refuse legal tender for a debt. It is technically illegal to refuse legal tender (cash) for services already rendered, though it is not illegal to refuse it for services not yet rendered. Businesses … The message on your greenbacks would seem to be unequivocal: “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." Claim: U.S. Treasury Law Says It Is Unlawful For Businesses To Refuse TO Take Cash Well, not all debts, as it turns out.. With U.S. paper money imprinted with the declaration, "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private", when can a business or government office refuse to accept cash payments. Imprinted on each bill is this notice: “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE” Observe the word, “debt.” Which facially means you owe somebody money, but there is more to it, than that. Therefore, a business that accepts only checks or credit must post a notice indicating this, so that the customer is aware of the fact prior to making payment. I’m just annoyed at the fact that she had a card, that took less time to get out than all her coins, very obviously saw the sign, but decided to make a … >> I think it is important to call out that refusing currency for a debt is not illegal in the sense that you will be fined or imprisoned. There are two reasons that a business can reject cash even if it is “legal tender for all debts public and private.” ... they have the legal right to refuse US$50 and $100 bills. We were completely within our rights. Legal tender has a strict definition. UK Yes it is perfectly legal to refuse cash - if it is not in line with the Coinage Act. Don't know the answer to your question but I've read before about bus drivers refusing to take more than 20p in coppers as this wasn't legal tender (was …