and lastly, the downfall you experienced—that ultimately led to you acquiring healthier habits—wasn't caused by caffeine, right? I was slipping into depression further everyday. I felt terrible and tired all the time. Anxiety is easing. Decaf coffee does have some caffeine in it, so don't go crazy. Understanding caffeine withdrawal headache and how long it takes will help you cut back on beverages like coffee and soda without suffering bad symptoms. Pizza & sweets? It's a long story, but those problems actuality contributed to probably the biggest ruination in my life. The brain is truly something, hey. I decided to slowly wean myself off the bean which was going well until I actually had to stop my caffeine intake and the extreme depression hit again with rebound anxiety (and a weird craving for cigarettes, hmm). Go to the gym.Walk the dog.Leave the house at 8 a.m.Grab coffee and head to the train. I just tapered down from 2-4 tablespoons of coffee a day to 2 teabags the past month. Very difficult to maintain conversations. My peak consumption is about three 16 oz. Movement is vital. Oh, and there are some anecdotal reports that suggest that Rhodiola Rosea helps with withdrawal, specifically fatigue. I drink 2 strong coffees a day only when i'm at work (weekends off or yerba mate - less caffeine more different substances). I can make it through the days without a nap now. Well, I will be damned. The withdrawal symptoms are much worse if the amount you are drinking is high. Midweek you can begin to supplement your habit with small amounts of decaf coffee. My baseline state is less energetic and less enthusiastic. so, just to clarify, you never quite caffeine, correct? Caffeine is a drug just like alcohol or any other, you can get addicted and reliant upon it. having 3/4 of a cup in the morning for 2 days, then 1/2 a cup for 2 days and then 1/4 of a cup for 2 days and then 0 coffee. Keep this … Holy gods. Didn't want to PM just in case a lurker is in the same case as me and would miss the potential jewels. I'd be willing to bet a big reason that drug/stim users' health hits a decline at some point is just because they are able to ignore their body telling them "hey you idiot! It was getting out to of hand too; during my last year of uni I was measuring my coffee with tablespoons for crying out loud! And I've had the same clearing of the fog you've had. It doesn't have to be black and white, you can wean of slow or fast, but just set yourself a rule. Week 7-10 Feel mostly normal. I have a daily dispense prescription for Clonazepam 1mg BID, and Hydromorph-Contin 18mg BID. The food thing.. hardest part of it. If you skip your morning coffee, you might start to feel some of these unpleasant effects just a few hours later, which can range from fairly mild to more severe depending on your regular caffeine intake. Is this really the issue or has it been something else all along?". Coffee is a main source of antioxidants in many diets, and looking to stop coffee consumption means that you will need to find a new source of antioxidants for daily health. Namely diet & exercise. I don't smoke too! Probably because it allows you to get more done without feeling the acute shitty effects of depleting your body's resources so to speak. For example I saw the movie 'nightcrawler' with a cup of coffee, after several months without it, and it made the whole experience very intense and extremely thought provoking. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The best way to maintain productivity and energy over the long-term is to take more rest and more breaks! Edit: and I don't eat super healthily still. rather than any negative effects of the drug itself. From there, it’s on to the big one: coffee. Previously I would find it hard to stay on-task for even 10 minutes. Like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and our natural circadian rhythm. It is powerful and potent and can wreck havoc in our lives if it's not respected, understood, and used responsibly. Don't quit for example in the first week of your new job! For most people, it is very healthy too. Before I quit I had difficulty staying focused. I found MCTs from coconut oil in the morning and a low carb diet to be the most effective diet for alleviating brain fog and increasing motivation. I think the key is finding the middle ground. If you wean of slowly, you're gonna feel less worse than with cold turkey, just stretched over a longer timespan. I ate everything in sight too and I even woke up in the middle of one night and started crying! I think a big part of it is the fact that habits like abusing caffeine tend to produce, statistically speaking, a non-tangible behavioral pattern of neglecting those things that matter, like diet & exercise. realised that I was drinking the wrong coffee. You could try green tea. I find that the "prompt" symptoms of withdrawal last for 2-3 days — headache, grogginess, etc.. It helps if you're tracking your calories and have a fitness routine. Coffee, soda, caffeine pills—get rid of them all. Getting out of bed is really difficult. I went off of caffeine cold turkey 10 weeks ago. For me it reinforced a important lessons about exercise, nutrition, sleep, and overall mental health. Hola hello I’m 24, been drinking coffee since I was maybe 17. On day 3 without caffeine and sugar I felt so awake I couldn't sleep. Cold Turkey or slowly wean off? The amount of sugar and cream is detrimental to my goals. Everyone has his or her morning routine. X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source However, it … The body likes slow change best. Or is it better to just quit cold turkey? It started working for me instead of working on me. Press J to jump to the feed. I get 3 days of headaches and 2 weeks of leg pain. also, how did you help yourself out of the deepest ruination of your life? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I am particularly wary of feeling the post caffeine slump 6 months down line. I think there's very valuable lessons to be learned from getting off of caffeine. But it was the Gerson therapy that helped put the procedure on the map. It's very very simple, it's something you just have to decide. Consistent high dose caffeine masks other underlying contributors to our energy and motivation. The slower symptoms last for about two weeks, and they're more subtle: mild cravings and the like. Coffee, as many researchers put it, can be like a drug — meaning your energy levels and moods might depend on your morning cup, and without it … But, I may also drink less than that if I want. You are gonna go through withdrawal symptoms when you quit coffee no matter what, and those symptoms can make your existing depression/anxiety even worse. Conversations slightly easier, brain doesn't feel quite as stupid. To anyone who takes caffeine regularly I would recommend a 60 day detox. It is possible you have some other undiagnosed issue, which caffeine may have been exacerbating in some way. Every now and then I toyed with the idea of drinking less coffee, but I never made an attempt at giving it up. When I realised that I was drinking the wrong coffee, I had a strong americano and I felt euphoric--for a day. It's odd that you would be taking roughly the same amount of caffeine for years and then suddenly started developing those symptoms as a result of it. I had the same experience as you did but was never able to quit cold turkey. I binged on pizza and ice-cream on multiple occassions(my brain was craving dopamine possibly?) I'm hungry, feed me! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It doesn't have to be black and white, you can wean of slow or fast, but just set yourself a rule. If you could manage to have some free/low-stress time it would be a good time to quit. Then adjust your next day’s intake accordingly. Press J to jump to the feed. After half an hour caffeine is present in the bloodstream. I, however, inadvertently switched to decaf when I moved back into my parents house and I had the worst week imaginable: head splitting headaches, irritability, apathy, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. Depression is worsening. I would wean down with a deliberate attempt of measuring your intake each week. And every weekend I would step down to an incrementally lower nicotine percentage in my e-liquid. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All in all, I am reconsidering if quitting caffeine all together in my situation is still worth it. I feel less slow and stupid. Two Methods for Quitting Caffeine. But I've found that just cutting down the white carbs & sugar gave a very positive benefit. It seriously tastes just like coffee, and it’s all HERBAL (crazy!) Especially when I am preparing for something (big test, presentation, etc) and use it in conjunction with L-theanine. You'll also have to learn how to deal with stuff internally instead of reaching for coffee. 20 minutes of aerobic exercise gives me a nice caffeine-esque boost in energy, sociability, and motivation for a few hours. I had an even more severe addiction (600mg/day) and I got off it without any discomfort with a slow ween. I felt tired no matter how long I'd slept. This is a phenomenal post. For most people, the moment when the glorious aroma of fresh coffee grinds fills the air, it’s clear that there’s hope to survive the day. Now I can stay on-task for 60 minute blocks in the mornings(which get shorter as the day goes on). Downhill. I do wonder how much of your problems were actually with caffeine. Or b/c of the withdrawals? Wean caffeine is an affordable way to quit caffeine and costs less per month than what most people spend on gourmet coffee and energy drinks. If I can drink less than the daily limit and still feel 'ok', then I don't drink anymore. Still need naps in the day to function. After I quit my anxiety got reduced greatly. The better way is to balance caffeine intake . I still go back to it from time to time though. I know exactly what you mean by stating that, I've had similar experiences with various substances {kratom being one, where at one point it was controlling me, but now it simply helps me}, but how did you shift the effects caffeine had\has on you? Among others, one of the most popular is known as the cold turkey method, which is the same thing that is done by people who are trying to quit from nicotine. go on a run!" The withdrawal will still be terrible, but less than just completely going dry. To anyone who takes caffeine regularly I would recommend a 60 day detox. Just kind of made things that much better. If you're getting these types of severe symptoms from quitting caffeine, that tells me A) you're seriously addicted to the chemical and thus should work towards a point where you don't consume it any more, and B) you may have been using caffeine as a coping mechanism for [fill in the blank]. You'll have to go through it, but feel free to message me if you find some magic way to not experience those symptoms cause I sure as hell would like to know. I have also used hot chocolate to taper off of coffee. and every time I noticed huge loss in overall energy, mood, and motivation. New thoughts and ideas would always pop up and I would find myself clicking over to google something irrelevant. Pretty much any stim user would probably agree. The Weaning Method (Recommended) With this method, instead of quitting caffeine all at once, a person gradually reduces the amount of caffeine he/she is consuming daily. "extreme depression hit again with rebound anxiety (and a weird craving for cigarettes, hmm)." But another big change was my handling of caffeine. Find a productive substitute. 3 months ago I quit smoking cigarettes and transitioned to vaping. Take a time and make a plan. Your opinion is greatly appreciated! Coffee is a heavily sprayed crop, so drinking organic coffee might reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Caffeine should be given the same level of consideration that we give "harder" substances like amphetamines, modafinil, and other "drugs". This article looks at … Sleep! etc. Step four: Reduce in small steps. Needed a nap every 2-3 hours. I ask because I've had near identical problems as you've had with caffeine. I know when i start to drink 3,4 coffees at work it will be too much and i lose balance and in results i will feel worse. These effects typically last 7 to 10 days, but you can minimize them by weaning yourself off caffeine, rather than quitting cold turkey. 1. I was considering weaning myself off gradually e.g. Make no mistake, it will be a journey and you'll learn what your true personality is. If it feels like your morning coffee isn’t giving you the jolt of energy it used to, your tolerance may be to blame. Like sure you can give up coffee for a month, but without mental fortitude you gain 5 pounds. Tapering your intake before you quit is a great idea! Try Roastaroma by Celestial Seasonings. Week 2- No more headaches. However, there are some uncomfortable caffeine withdrawal symptoms to be aware of such as severe headaches, fatigue and irritability. I wean myself off coffee periodically just to keep my habit from getting out of hand. Headaches are perhaps the single most common sign of withdrawal. This lack of motivation is leading into more depression as I am letting projects slide. Well written, but I don't think that quitting caffeine cold turkey is good thing to do. Just black coffee or an iced Americano if I went out for coffee. Caffeine gives a real edge in social interactions. If you decide you want to decrease or quit caffeine, try these things to work through your withdrawal symptoms: Taper consumption instead of going cold turkey. Weaning off antidepressants, including Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil, and others, can come with some side effects. Clarity & energy. I notice that I am less talkative, less interesting, less interested, and generally less outgoing without caffeine. Still felt refreshed without the hangover feeling. To sum it up, I stay below my daily limit, and I go as low as I can. Also, I noticed that if I was off of caffeine for awhile and had a cup during a movie that there was a certain sense of Euphoria plus really deep thinking that worked very well with movies. Caffeine actually does not make you feel better, but instead it mediates the withdrawal symptoms that it's created for you. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Week 1- Awful. You described your overall quality of life gradually improving as you gradually started taking on healthier habits. How should I proceed now? Same thing with drinking coffee on vacations after months of going without. "A great way to wean yourself off sugary coffee is simply to drink a higher grade of coffee," says McGrice. Diet has massive impact on brain fog and motivation. If you are interested in weaning yourself off coffee, here are some other tips to reduce the chance of harmful effects until you can completely eliminate it: 1.Use organic coffee. Past 4pm I feel energized, awake, and excited for life. Decreasing your daily coffee intake may mean increasing the amount of tea you drink and/or the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. I hate the taste of black coffee, but I've been told it's an acquired taste. It's a pretty obvious statement but something that I haven't followed very well up to this point in my life. Most people who regularly consume caffeinated beverages are familiar with at least some of the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. But with not drinking coffee my work is much less productive. Sugar crash could probably explain his anxiety and depression, at least it does for people prone to anxiety like me. How to Wean Off Coffee without Getting a Headache. Edit: Mobile thumbs, added links to better explain the coffee mix up and added more general info. Focus - It's a tie between sleep and focus on what the most dramatic improvement has been. It is not. People have watched me make my coffee in the morning and asked if I'm trying to make a milkshake. How To Wean Off Coffee There are different ways by which it will be possible for you to quit, each with their respective promises. So just know that it'll pass, and things will get better at the other end. Plus, all the money you were spending on caffeine will soon be in your pocket once you’re free from caffeine’s grip. Discussion of nootropics and cognitive enhancers. "That way you're more likely to think about the taste without overloading it with sugar, or feeling that it has to be sugary to be enjoyable." But through that ruination I picked up healthier habits. Coffee enemas may have originated from German physicians searching for a cancer treatment in the early 1900s. Alex • June 16, 2019 • No Comments • Coffee is easily absorbed into the blood through the inside layer of the throat. If you develop unbearable caffeine withdrawal symptoms while you’re weaning off, you’ll probably need just a small amount—maybe a tablespoon—of a caffeinated drink to stop the symptoms. I discovered that if I bought caffeine pills (the round kind) and took one a day in the morning for a week and then after a week cut them to 3/4ths and then to a half and quarter that within a month I could be off caffeine fairly easily. A subreddit for people who are dependent or addicted to caffeine and are trying to quit or cut down. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So, I am having quite the struggle tapering off opiates again, probably for the 4th time detoxing now. I wondered how much my problems were actually because of caffeine. The ubiquitous nature of caffeine in our culture has given us the false impression that it's a harmless drug. My emotional state deteriorated to the point of depression. If you are used to drinking coffee… I'm on day 4 of cold turkey from soft drinks and coffee/tea and I have definitely seen improvement in terms of wakefulness, energy, mood and clarity. Fish & green vegetables? Week 4-6 Feeling more normal. Depression worsened. No more racing thoughts in the evenings. and if so, how did you get it to start working FOR you, and not ON you? Being predisposed to anxiety over the past 5 years (and depression--if that is too a factor), I made the conscious decision to quit caffeine after completing uni. Kind of an enhancer if you don't abuse it (haha)... nightcrawler is so great, ive watched it at least 3 times now. I started experiencing extreme anxiety - to the point that it became difficult to have conversations. If you have any more questions PM me! I think it's easy to see caffeine as a "fix-all" and rely on it to cover up other areas of our lives that require attention. If you are an anxious person, or have depression, you may want to consider weaning off. After you've spent 30 days caffeine free you can make a more educated decision on whether you want to get back on, what dose, and timing. Irritability and fatigue are also freq… Natural rhythms play a huge role in how we feel! It feels like recovering from a long illness. Spend the first 30 weaning yourself down (cut your intake in half each week) and the next 30 cold-turkey. No more waking up feeling exhausted. It's amazing. The first sip of joe brings a welcomed sense of comfort and renewal. My outlook was very negative. No coffee, no teas, no chocolate, nothing at all that contained even 1mg of caffeine. At the levels of caffeine you were taking, it seems kind of unlikely that caffeine was the root cause of these issues. you said you experienced the same issues as OP with caffeine, but if I'm interpreting it right, then you're saying the same issues OP had with caffeine themselves, not the same issue OP had with caffeine and you as well. After tapering down to just one cold brew, I switched to only regular coffee. I find the fact that i was craving cigarettes to be very weird considering i don't smoke. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Anxiety and social anxiety - gone. I used to drink coffee on a daily basis since I was a teenager. Still very unmotivated. Check Rhodiola Rosea on if you would like more details on what it does (sorry on mobile). Make it easier on your self and have it be a 2-3 month wind down. Mornings are still the most difficult. Super sluggish. Excess caffeine made me very distracted. I was able to quit my nicotine addiction...and I am happy to say it was easy and painless! Start by weaning yourself off main offenders such as energy drinks and chocolate. While still on caffeine. Natural light and bright light is very important to getting rid of brain fog in the mornings. Headaches. you gave up caffeine and you don't wake up tired now? The reason I kept increasing my caffeine was because I kept taking on more and more obligations. “cups” a day. I'm not advocating that everyone drop caffeine forever. I have done that too several times and now i think there are no benefits in living without caffeine. Depression - much improved, still not back 100% but much better than I was at the point I stopped using caffeine. [16] I have quit coffee many times. 400 mg of caffeine is equal to the amount in 4 cups of coffee or 10 cans of soda. You also say you're still feeling depressed and unmotivated for large parts of the day 10 weeks after stopping caffeine, which may mean something else is going on (though it's certainly possible you're still in the withdrawal phase). Plus, I always seem to drink iced coffee in larger amounts than hot coffee. I used to have one or two cups everyday. Every 2 or 3 days, trim your intake just a bit. I had nothing to say to anyone and I didn't want to do anything. We’ll talk about when to talk with your … I would have loved to be able to make the transition, sadly for me caffeine is just caffeine. If this totally freaks you out and turns you off of coffee for good, don’t worry: there are plenty of delicious caffeine alternatives out there. Some people say it’s better to slowly cut your caffeine consumption down each week until you are fully weaned off – easier on your body and fewer headaches. Pure strength training has a smaller impact on my mood and energy. I had a cup of tea and i immediately started to feel great. As you get used to not drinking coffee, you can move to even gentler things, like lemon with honey and hot water for an added detox effect. Caffeine was the main culprit. I felt like the energy it gave me was "clean", if that makes any sense. Bizarre this is exactly why i have sought out this subreddit. So I use the way I feel as a gauge for how much I drink while also having a max limit that goes down every 2 days(or whatever you set). As little as 100 milligrams of caffeine a day, the amount in about 12 ounces of coffee, can lead to symptoms of caffeine withdrawal — e.g., headaches and marked fatigue—when caffeine consumption is discontinued. Back to my normal self. Up to 400 mg a day is ok, but any more is too much. Here's the rule that I used: The maximum amount of coffee I am allowed to drink in a day goes down every 2 days, every 2 days I lower the limit. If you get depressed or have other strong emotional or physical reactions without having it in your system, it's time to quit. Higher daily doses of caffeine (the average adult caffeine consumer in the U.S. ingests about 280 milligrams a day) are even more likely to lead to caffeine … I got more done & I didn't need to take as much as I used to. This can be approximated by hand, or done precisely with a product like the Wean Caffeine detox kit. About two months ago I started to wean off and tried substituting with teas instead. Still very sluggish. I'm on day 15 and it's clear that this this the way to true vitality... not waking up tired is life-changing. My productivity was awful(maybe 1-2 productive hours a day). Here's the rule that I used: The maximum amount of coffee I am allowed to drink in a day goes down every 2 days, every 2 days I lower the limit. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I am wondering what the best and quickest way to do this would be. , soda, weaning off coffee reddit pills—get rid of them all been something else all along?.... Was maybe 17 sugary coffee is a heavily sprayed crop, so do n't wake up is. The downfall you experienced—that ultimately led to you acquiring healthier habits—was n't caused by caffeine, right the... The ubiquitous nature of caffeine in it, so do n't drink anymore cigarettes. Weeks of leg pain caffeine, correct well worth it '' symptoms of caffeine principle not just to my... And chocolate you could manage to have some other undiagnosed issue, which caffeine may have originated German! Fast, but just set yourself a rule takes will help you cut back on like! To learn the rest of the deepest ruination of your life &,! 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